Refund & Exchange Policy

Refund & Exchange Policy

All our returns are handled on a case by case basis, with the ultimate goal of making our customers happy. We have a 7-day return policy, which means you have 7 days from the time you receive your item to request a return. We take pride in our quality by preparing and checking each order ourselves.

To be eligible for a return, your item must be unworn, unused, and in its original packaging. Proof of purchase may be required.

To request a return, please email us at with your order number and proof of purchase. If your return is accepted, you will be contacted by via to arrange the collection.

Returns will be collected from the same address where they were delivered, providing you with added convenience. Please keep in mind that a small charge of AED 20 will be applied for returns and exchanges. However, in the unfortunate event that an item is faulty, rest assured, you won't incur any charges for the return or exchange.

Non-returnable items
We regret that we cannot accept returns or exchanges on earrings, sale items of special offer items. Returns that are damaged, show signs of wear, or do not have their original tags attached will not be accepted and returned to the customer.

Please inspect your order upon arrival if an item is deemed damaged or the wrong item please contact us at with your order number and a photo of the item and we will quickly resolve the issue.  Only faulty non-returnable items are eligible for exchange.

Please use our ring size chart to determine your ring size.